This past Sunday (Nov. 17th), we concluded our series of messages focused upon God’s offer of salvation to all of humanity through His Son, Jesus Christ. The theme of this study has been “COME TO THE DOOR.” The previous messages we have examined together include…
“Come into the Ark: God’s Shelter of Salvation” \ Genesis 7:1 – 24,
“Jesus: the Ultimate Passover Lamb” \ Exodus 12:21 – 28,
“Jesus: Our Great High Priest” \ various passages from Hebrews,
“Jesus: the Door of the Sheep” \ John 10:1 – 18, and
“The Inescapable Choice” \ Matthew 7:13 – 29.
This final message comes from the well-known verse of John 14;6, and is entitled, “Jesus: the Way, the Truth, the Life.”
The Gospel of John reveals to us seven declarations the Lord Jesus made of Himself during His earthly ministry. These seven declarations are recognized as the “I AM” statements of Jesus. These statements were not made with any egotistical motivation, but rather, as teaching points to illustrate to Jesus’ listeners the truth of who He was and is. For example…
o The first declaration is found in John 6:22 – 59, where Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life.” He is not merely manna for a day, but the one Source who can fill one’s spiritual hunger for eternity.
o The second declaration is found in John 8:12 – 59, when Jesus declared, “I am the light of the world.” He is greater than a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night; He is the Light of Everlasting Life.
o The third declaration is found in John 10:1 – 10, when Jesus declared, “I am the door of the sheep.” He is more than a gate to a sheepfold, He is the only door to heaven.
o The fourth declaration is found in John 10:11 – 21, where Jesus also declared, “I am the good shepherd.” He is more than a humble shepherd. He is the Good Shepherd, the Great Shepherd, the Chief Shepherd. He is the Shepherd of our souls!
o The fifth declaration is found in John 11:1 – 45, when Jesus declared against the backdrop of the death of His friend, Lazarus, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Jesus transcends the desire for longevity of life. He not only offers the reality of eternal life, but He possesses the authority of resurrection life.
o The sixth declaration is found in John 15:1 – 11, where Jesus declared in His post-Passover discourse just prior to His arrest and crucifixion, “I am the true vine.” In this context Jesus taught that a saved and sanctified life must be drawn from and experienced through Him alone, for no one can produce eternal life in and of himself.
o Jesus’ final declaration of this theme is based upon John 14:6, where He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Jesus is more than just a spiritual alternative in a world filled with various forms of religion. Jesus is superior to this world’s alleged gods, self-declared faiths, world views and philosophies of life. He is the exclusive way of salvation for all of humanity, the one and only means by which mankind can possibly enter into a right relationship with Almighty God.
Jesus declared there is no other way to heaven, and no other way to have a redeemed relationship with God the Father, except through Himself. Consequently, the Christian worldview teaches that the only way to heaven, and the only means of being forgiven and cleansed from all sin, is exclusively through Jesus. Let’s break down the three aspects of Jesus’ declaration we can readily acknowledge from John 14:6.
Let us begin by examining the first phrase of Jesus’ declaration— “I AM THE WAY”: Jesus is our source for Salvation. There are four different emphases which we need to study from this opening phrase of the verse:
1) “I AM THE WAY”: His way of salvation is personal.
a) Jesus’ way of salvation is personal because it possesses a divine distinction. The way of Christianity is not based upon man’s creative intuition, programs and strategies, or even mystical experiences. Instead, the way of salvation is based upon a Person— Jesus Christ! Cf. John 1:14.
b) Because Jesus’ way of salvation is personal, it provides a devoted direction. There is a deep-rooted intimacy of fellowship with Jesus when He is your personal Savior and Lord! Cf. Luke 9:23.
2) “I AM THE WAY”: His way of salvation is progressive.
a) Jesus’ way of salvation is progressive because it calls for a living faith. This life of faith in Christ is a dynamic one; one which is full of life and power. Life and salvation in Jesus is always headed in the opposite direction of death and condemnation. Cf. Colossians 2:6 – 7.
b) Jesus’ way of salvation is progressive because it creates a longing faith. This life of faith cultivates a yearning for the fullness of Jesus’ life, and for His character to become our character. There is the overwhelming desire to become more than what we were when Jesus found us. As we grow and mature in Christ, we cannot and will not be satisfied with a spiritual status quo, nor with spiritual mediocrity, in this journey of faith. Cf. 1 John 3:2 \ Colossians 3:1 – 4.
3) “I AM THE WAY”: His way of salvation is particular.
a) Jesus is the only way of salvation. We are not overly dogmatic when we teach and preach that Jesus is our only way to heaven and our only hope for salvation. We are just repeating what the Scriptures declare. Cf. Acts 4:12.
b) There has been unnecessary confusion regarding alleged other ways of salvation. We live in a 21st century Babel where the cry of the day is, “All roads of life and faith are equal to one another!” One of the crucible words of this generation’s political correctness is that of “tolerance.” The irony of its usage, though, is that it applies to anything and everything except the Christian worldview.
The tolerance of our day is not accepting of biblical, eternal truth; instead, there is the embrace of deception. The tolerance of our day does not want to acknowledge the One, true and living God as our Creator and Redeemer; rather than acknowledging that man is created in the image of God, our world now desires to look towards the gods which have been created in man’s image. The tolerance of this generation refuses to humble itself before God and His absolute standards of moral righteousness; because this unbelieving generation is bent towards the desire to do that which is right in their own eyes. Cf. Judges 21:25 \ Acts 17:30 – 31.
c) God determined before the foundation of the world that Jesus’ death on the cross of Calvary is our way for salvation. Cf. John 12:32 – 33.
Most people do not want to choose to live through the “narrow gate” of life, but rather, the “wide gate” of life (cf. Matthew 7:13 – 14). Most people desire to live life on their own terms. The late Adrian Rogers is credited with having made this statement, and it is certainly worth pondering: “God did not spare His own Son from the cross. What makes you think that He will spare you from rejecting that cross?” The old hymn is still true today which proclaims, “The way of the cross leads home! The way of the cross leads home! It is sweet to know as I onward go, The way of the cross leads home!”
4) “I AM THE WAY”: His way of salvation is purposeful.
Let us note that there is at least a two-fold aspect regarding the purpose of Jesus’ salvation:
a) There is salvation from sin. Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection assure us of His immeasurable and unmatched authority to forgive us, and cleanse us, from all unrighteousness, and to take away the guilt and condemnation of all our sin. Cf. John 3:36 \ 1 John 5:10 – 11.
b) There is satisfaction in the Savior. “Jesus is most glorified as I am most satisfied in Him.” There is no one, or anything, that you and I can return to that is as good as Jesus! Jesus is more precious than silver, more costly than gold, more beautiful than diamonds; and all the things you may desire cannot compare with Him (cf. Proverbs 8:13 – 15).
Jesus declared there is no other way to heaven, and no other way to have a redeemed relationship with God the Father, except through Himself. Consequently, the Christian worldview teaches that the only way to heaven, and the only means of being forgiven and cleansed from all sin, is exclusively through Jesus.
Now let us consider the second phrase of Jesus’ declaration— “I AM THE TRUTH”: Jesus is our source of Surety. In relation to this statement of truth, we see that Jesus is…
1) Unchanging. Read the passages of Malachi 3:6a, Hebrews 13:8, and Psalm 119:89. No matter how rich or poor you may be; whether you have experienced much success or struggle in life; whether you consider yourself to be religious-minded and morally upright, or whether you consider yourself to be indifferent to spiritual and moral matters; whether you are perceived to be a powerful individual in society, or whether you are relatively unknown in this life— this truth remains: you either come to God through Jesus Christ, or you do not come at all!
Take the time to read through the following Messianic passages of Isaiah 44:6, 8 \ 45:5, 6, 18 & 21 – 23 \ 46:9 – 10 \ 43:25 as well.
2) Unparalleled. This is true with respect to…
a) His ministry (cf. Isaiah 61:1 – 2a \ Matthew 20:28 \ Luke 19:10).
b) His message (cf. Matthew 4:17 & Mark 1:15 \ John 3:3, 7, 16 \ John 8:24). Consider both the boldness and the truth of these statements, along with each one of His “I AM” statements.
c) His mercy. While on the cross, Luke 23:34 records Jesus saying, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Cf. Psalm 85:10.
3) Unforgettable. You might choose to deny the reality of Jesus and His salvation, but you cannot forget Him. Cf. John 8:32, 36 & Revelation 1:8; 1:18; 22:13, 20.
Jesus declared there is no other way to heaven, and no other way to have a redeemed relationship with God the Father, except through Himself. Consequently, the Christian worldview teaches that the only way to heaven, and the only means of being forgiven and cleansed from all sin, is exclusively through Jesus.
Finally, we now come to the third phrase of Jesus’ declaration— “I AM THE LIFE”: Jesus is our source of Satisfaction. Let us consider two significant aspects of this statement:
1) Life in Jesus is vibrant. The world may insinuate that choosing to live the Christian life is to choose a boring life, a life with no adventures. Actor George Clooney was once asked during an interview if he believed in God. He responded by saying, “I don’t really know that there is a God. I just know that life is too short to live it just waiting to die for something. I have made the choice to live my life by getting the most out of it now, because this is all that I really know.” I would say that Clooney’s perspective of God and life reflects that of most unbelievers today.
Well, nothing could be further from the truth and reality of a life that is devoted to following Jesus. Life in and with Jesus is vibrant! He gives us a new perspective on all of life; new passions; new priorities; new purpose. That is the essence of what 2 Corinthians 5:17 teaches us, which reads, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” Furthermore, the Apostle Paul testified to the vibrancy we experience in this life in Christ in passages such as 1 Timothy 1:12 – 17, Galatians 2:20, and Philippians 1:21, where he stated, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
2) Life in Jesus is also victorious. Jesus has won the battles with Satan, sin, and death. He alone possesses all authority in heaven and on earth (cf. Matthew 28:18). He has been given the name above every name— one to which every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord over all (cf. Philippians 2:5 – 8). Jesus is our Victor— both for this life, and for all eternity. Cf. 1 John 4:4 \ Romans 8:37 – 39 \ 1 Corinthians 15:57— “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Jesus declared there is no other way to heaven, and no other way to have a redeemed relationship with God the Father, except through Himself. Consequently, the Christian worldview teaches that the only way to heaven, and the only means of being forgiven and cleansed from all sin, is exclusively through Jesus.
In one profound statement, Jesus answered three significant questions:
1) “How can I be saved?” Jesus said, “I am the way,…No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Cf. John 3:16.
2) “How can I be sure?” Jesus said, “I am the truth…No one comes to the Father except through Me.” We come to God through Jesus, or we do not come at all. Because Jesus is heaven’s cornerstone.
3) “How can I be satisfied?” Jesus said, “I am the life…No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Cf. John 10:10— “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
“No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus is the only Way of salvation, the only Truth of salvation, the only Life of salvation. He is all you need— the One you must trust— to be forgiven and cleansed from your sin and its consequences. Are you willing to “come to the door” of God’s salvation in humility and repentant faith, and trust Jesus to become your Savior, your Lord, and your very Life today?
Anchored to His Faithfulness,
Dr. Allen Roberts